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Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Create Your Own Virus

Let Take This Program

and Make your virus

it simple...

Lets Check This


Powerful Flooding

It for flood a web

take it n try

make happy for use that


Have Fun

DownLoad Here


That Use for E-mail Booming

Let Check It

have Fun

DownLoad Here

Bluetooth Hack NSeries

There is another Alternatif for hack bluetooth

easy to use
working for NSeries

have Fun

DownLoad Here

Bluetooth Hack Sony Ericson

There is another Alternatif for hack bluetooth

easy to use
working for sony ericson w800i

downLoad Here

Super Bluetooth Hack 1.07

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
Call from his phone” it includes all call functions like hold

1.) When connecting devices use a code 0000
2.) At start of programm on smartphones do not forget to turn on bluetooth before start of
the application

DownLoad Here

Make Fake ID

Things You’ll Need:

* Computer w/ photo editor
* Laminator
* Scanner
* Tweezers
* Razor
* Pot

Step 1:
You need an old fashioned laminated driver’s license or ID card, preferable with your picture and name on it

Step 2:
Scan the ID as is with your trusty flat-bed scanner at a decent resolution. You’ll need to scan both sides of the ID. Open the files with Photoshop or your favorite image editor.

Step 3:
Change the birth date to make yourself (or the hot young girl you’re dating) at least 21. Make sure the expiration and issue dates are valid.

Step 4:
Print the photos with the best color printer you can find. Try several times until the size and color match perfectly. Remember, until this time DO NOT touch the original ID card.

Step 5:
Cut your copies perfect to size and set aside for later.

Step 6:
Take a razor blade and split the laminated sides of the ID in half. Start at one corner and work slowly. Do not hurry and do not tear the plastic.

Step 7:
Pull any cardboard out from the middle. Don’t worry if you can’t get it all.

Step 8:
Get a pan of boiling water going. Drop both pieces into the water and let them boil for 20 to 30 minutes, or as needed.

Step 9:
Remove any excess cardboard or paper. At this point there still may be an impression of the photo on the front piece. Don’t fret.

Step 10:
Take a pair of tweezers and pull the impression off the inside of the front piece. It should peel off like a piece of skin. At this point you have 2 blank sides of the ID with the gold stripping / logo (or similar) still in tact.

Step 11:
Place the perfect copies between the two sides and re-laminate. Don’t try this at Kinko’s unless you know the night manager. You many need to get your own laminator, but they shouldn’t be too expensive.

Step 12:
That’s it, have fun at the clubs!

Have Fun

Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

How To Lock Your Folder

copy to notepad
save as *.bat

@Echo OFF & SetLocal

Set Hidden="Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"

IF EXIST %Hidden% (
Call :Unlock
Exit /B

IF NOT EXIST Private\NUL Call :MakePrivate

Call :Lock Folder successfully locked.
Echo Press any key to exit.

Exit /B

Call :ShowDisclamer
Set /P Password="Enter New Folder Password> "
Mkdir Private
Echo %Password%>Private\Password.txt
Attrib +h Private\Password.txt
Exit /B

Ren Private %Hidden%
Attrib +h +s %Hidden%
Echo %*
Exit /B

Set /P Password="Enter Folder Password> "
Attrib -h -s %Hidden%
Ren %Hidden% Private
Set /P SetPass=IF [%Password%]==[%SetPass%] (
Echo Folder Successfully Unlocked.
Echo Press any key to exit.
Exit /B
Call :Lock Invalid Password.
Echo Press any key to exit.
Exit /B

Echo This method of private folder creation is not
Echo secure. It uses a feature of windows to prevent
Echo the file from displaying in windows explorer.
Echo This method can easily be reversed, without need
Echo for a password, the password mechanism is simply
Echo provided to prevent the average user from accessing
Echo your protected files.
Exit /B

double klick n fill ur password

then close it n then open it again

fill ur password n it make a private folder

klick bat file to lock ur folder

have Fun

How To Make a File of The Size You Want

How to make a file of the size you want ?
Let us assume you want to make a file of size 10000kb
Convert it to bytes -> 10000*1024 which comes out to be 10240000 bytes

Open calculator (win key+r -> type in calc )
Choose view mode to be Scientific one
Type in 10240000 and convert it to hex it comes out to be 9C4000
Convert this value to 8 digits by padding zeroes to its left -> so finally it comes out be 009C4000

Open Command Prompt (win key + r -> type in cmd )
Type DEBUG filename.dat
it'll show file not found error ,ignore it
Type RCX -> Enter -> then last four hexadecimal numbers i.e. 4000 ->Enter
Type RBX -> Enter -> then first four hexadecimal numbers i.e. 009C->Enter
Type W ->Enter
Type Q ->Enter

W stands for write and Q for quit

Now check the file you just made by dir command ->dir filename.dat

Using the same technique you can make files as big as you want

Have Fun

Hide File in JPG

1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration, I will be using C:\New Folder
-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as fluffy.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as New Text Document.txt

2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)

3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd

4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typing
cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]

5. Type [copy /b fluffy.jpg + secret.rar fluffy.jpg] (minus the brackets)

Congrats, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file.

In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take

a) Change the file extension from fluffy.jpg to fluffy.rar, then open and your file is there
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there

have Fun

Notepad Bug

affected systems: win 2000, win XP

ketik "worm icv virus" di notepad tanapa tanda petik

save terserah mao apa namanya

trus close

n buka kembalii

liat ap yg terjadi..

have Fun

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2008

Play a trick on your friends, make them so they can't shutdown their computer

No Shutdown

Regedit 4

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer

Be careful NOTE changng registry values can be fatal for computers. Make sure you know what you are doing and no how to change it back. System Restore does not change the registry I believe, also I am not responsible for what I just told you

Have fun pals ^^